Real estate price prediction

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Hence the above are some of the steps involved in Exploratory data analysis, these are some general steps that you must follow in order to perform EDA. There are many more yet to come but for now, this is more than enough idea as to how to perform a good EDA given any data sets. Stay tuned for more updates.

We generally use scatter plots to find the correlation between two variables. Here the scatter plots are plotted between Horsepower and Price and we can see the plot below. With the plot given below, we can easily draw a trend line. These features provide a good scattering of points.

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Heat Maps is a type of plot which is necessary when we need to find the dependent variables. One of the best way to find the relationship between the features can be done using heat maps. In the below heat map we know that the price feature depends mainly on the Engine Size, Horsepower, and Cylinders.

Engine Cylinders

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Histogram refers to the frequency of occurrence of variables in an interval. In this case, there are mainly 10 different types of car manufacturing companies, but it is often important to know who has the most number of cars. To do this histogram is one of the trivial solutions which lets us know the total number of car manufactured by a different company.

As seen above there were around 1600 rows were outliers. But you cannot completely remove the outliers because even after you use the above technique there maybe 1–2 outlier unremoved but that ok because there were more than 100 outliers. Something is better than nothing.

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An outlier is a point or set of points that are different from other points. Sometimes they can be very high or very low. It's often a good idea to detect and remove the outliers. Because outliers are one of the primary reasons for resulting in a less accurate model. Hence it's a good idea to remove them. The outlier detection and removing that I am going to perform is called IQR score technique. Often outliers can be seen with visualizations using a box plot. Shown below are the box plot of MSRP, Cylinders, Horsepower and EngineSize. Herein all the plots, you can find some points are outside the box they are none other than outliers. The technique of finding and removing outlier that I am performing in this assignment is taken help of a tutorial from towards data science.